Fresh Thoughts: 100% Organic

B. P. #15: The Incredibles!!!
November 9, 2009, 3:00 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

“The Incredibles” has always been one of my favorite movies. I just thought it was so entertaining, and I love Jack-Jack and Edna Mode (or whatever her name is..?).

In regards to the family aspect of the film, I thought it was a pretty creative play on the typical representation of family. The mother was the typical homemaker. The father was the breadwinner that worked in an office job. There were the boy and the girl children, and the young baby. The girl, Violet, was shy, and just wanted to fit in. The boy, Dash, was very competitive and was always pestering his sister. And then Jack-Jack was just kind of cute and mysterious.

I also loved that the Dad was just trying to relive his glory days, and then the Mom thought that he was cheating on her, which are also huge stereotypes in the typical American family.

Although the “theme” of the film was probably supposed to be something cheesy about always living up to your full potential, I kind of got a different idea. To me, it seemed that viewed through the lens of family-focus, it kind of had a theme regarding telling lies. The family all lied to each other and the world at large. And then when they revealed their secrets, all was well.

I think this is interesting, because it seems to me that as families, we are always telling each other some kind of lies. Telling your Mom that you were studying Friday night, not playing beer pong, or telling your little brother that you always listened to your Dad when you were 13. However, I am not of the opinion that complete honesty with family is the best policy. I know that my mother would probably have a heart attack if she knew all the inner workings and small details of my life. Heck, she would probably pass out if she even knew my belly button is pierced!

So, in conclusion, watching the movie with the focus of family in my head made for a different experience, and lead to me to think about a movie I have always loved in a different way. Very interesting…

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I really like the theme that you pulled from the movie,it’s something that I hadn’t picked up on at all. As you say, though, complete honesty with the family isn’t the best way to go. In some ways, the family still has a secret because I don’t know that Jack-Jack has revealed his powers to the family yet.

Comment by fischerr546

I didn’t orginally see the movie in the scope of lies. It’s a very interesting point. I do have to say, the family did not share their secret identities with the world, nor is Dash allowed to bask in the natural talent he was born with. While yes, truth became very important between husband and wife, parents and children, the truth to the world is only a half-truth. They pick and choose what to share. While I agree with your point, there is areas where lies follow through and are upheld to the fullest. p.s. I love Edna 🙂 she’s my here

Comment by melissasblogrocks

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