Fresh Thoughts: 100% Organic

B. P. #17: Halfway Through Caucasia
November 16, 2009, 1:27 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

So can I just say that this section of the novel nearly made me cry in the laundromat? I mean, seriously, I was that upset. The things that these poor sisters are being put through are appalling.

The first thing that upset me was the fact that Sandy was obviously falling into some kind of mental breakdown, and had no one else to turn to but poor Birdie, who is confused enough as it is. I mean, she is acting very schizophrenic, thinking that everyone is after her because of her involvement with the ever mysterious “visitors.”

Something else that seemed horrible in the novel: the grandmother. I noticed that in the novel she is described in relation to two animals – a snake and jellyfish. I thought this was very interesting, since both can be poisonous and potentially lethal. The way that she ignored Cole and fussed over Birdie was just obnoxious, as was her gift of Golliwog, which oddly enough, became quite a treasured doll. Some of the things the grandmother said just took my breath away, such as her comments about Sandy’s weight, and her statement that sending the girls to Nkrumah was “child abuse.” I still wonder why Sandy needed to ask her mother for money, and how much she told her mother about why she was in such dire straits.

Another character that I love and hate: Carmen! I mean, I love that she gives Cole the attention and guidance that she needs as a Black pre-teen with a white mother, but I hate that she has a problem with Birdie’s whiteness. I just wanted to slap her every time she made rude comments. Ugh, how terrible can you get?

And that thing with Redbone in the schoolyard? How he said “I’m going to miss you” and then took her picture? I don’t even want to know what he’s up to!

And my final rant: JAMAICA??? Are you SERIOUS!!?? I am absolutely shocked that Cole and Birdie are separated! Who cares how different they look, that is terrible! And I am also really mad at Deck for allowing that crazy woman Sandy to take his daughter and run away and do God knows what! He should have stood up to Carmen and told her that both daughters were coming, no matter what they looked like. I mean, Jesse Goldman? Sheila? So horrible. It was hard to stop reading at page 131, I really wanted to continue on with this section…

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I loooved the simile describing the grandmother’s eyes. But I didn’t make that connection about the snake and jellyfish being poisonous creatures. Great catch!!
I was also appalled at their separation and then how the mother goes on to rename Birdie and tell her she’s going to be Jewish?! whaaat?

Comment by mackerelc503

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